Phone - (888) 316-1933
Fax - (888) 316-8572
This is for Provider contracts only!!! this is not a contact email
You can also send a request by Fax or email:
fax it to (888) 316-8572
Provider Portal
If you have questions about a fee you were paid, or how to
become a participating provider on our network, please
call us at (888) 316-1933 or fill out the form below.
We have a very simple contracting process. Unlike other provider networks and companies, we are able to get you in-network in as little as 2-5 business days. Fill out this form and our provider contracting managers will contact you and send you our simple contract and fee schedule. If you have questions, please call us at the phone number listed above.
We would love to have you participate in our custom provider network. Physicians who participate in our network in enjoy a fair market rate and collect lower co-pays from their patients. Our contract terms are simple and fair. We have two options for your review. Please contact us for further information on becoming part of our provider network.
Provider Contracting: (888) 316-1933 X115